High School Eligility to Join GUPP
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High School's Benefits from GUPP
Tuition scholarships for administrators, toward graduate education at prestige institutions;
Annual incentive awards, based on GUPP enrollment, that provide financial support to improving the GUPP program at the high school;
Rights to use GUPP affiliated college names, logos, and branding in the institution's marketing and website;
Access to GUPP affiliated colleges' extensive resources including University libraries and databases, financial aid representatives, on-campus visits, and school's cloud-based software, etc.;
Professional development for instructors that meets state professional development requirements;
Increased academic rigor throughout the high school curriculum;
Program recognition awards for excellence and service;
Integrity and respect of your curriculum due to association with GUPP-affiliated colleges.

High School's Eligibility for GUPP
Complete the high school partner inquiry packet form; we will contact you to set up a school visit to discuss your questions about concurrent enrollment and how it can benefit your students;
Consider courses: take a look at your students' needs for possible course offerings and start exploring the potential instructors;
Our GUPP Director will create and submit a growth proposal to your high school;
Our GUPP Director will set up a site visit to discuss the implementation of the program at your high school.
High School Memorandum of Partnership
As an active high school partner in the GUPP Advanced College Credit Program, the high schools including administrators, coordinators, counselors, and teachers agree to abide by the policies of the program:​
Involvement: To ensure active participation in the GUPP Program, GUPP Partner High School will: encourage high school instructors to apply to teach GUPP courses, recommend eligible students to enroll in courses, and advise students, parents, faculty, and staff about participation in the GUPP Program, ensure registration and grade deadlines are met, participate in annual professional development and networking events, notify the GUPP Program of students wishing to exercise their rights to University resources including, but not limited to, Disability Services, Student Success Center and library access, and accommodate GUPP affiliate university Faculty Liaisons and their Program Office Staff for site visits;
Academic Integrity: To ensure GUPP college credit courses are comparable to their on-campus counterparts, GUPP Partner High Schools will: require their GUPP courses to have syllabi in the appropriate Common Syllabus Template on file annually, enforce the use of required university assessments in the course, ensure grades are posted in a timely manner each semester, and uphold GUPP affiliate university policies related to academic offerings;
Course Exclusivity: To ensure the integrity and authenticity of GUPP courses and to prevent confusion among dual credit students, GUPP Partner High Schools will: agree that GUPP affiliated colleges are the exclusive dual credit partners for the specific college courses they are approved to teach now and in the future through the program.