GUPP Courses vs. AP
High School Credit
Students receive high school credit;
Meet High School Graduation requirements.
All AP and GUPP Credits courses are weighted at 0.5;
Honors courses are weighted at 0.25;
No weight is added to college preparatory courses;
Grading systems vary from school to school.
Scores needed to earn verdicts
AP: 3, 4, or 5 on the exam;
GUPP Courses = C or better.
Student Strengths
AP = 1 test day in May earns credit;
GUPP Courses = whole semester/year earns credit.
GUPP: College coursework completed in High School setting;
AP: AP test preparation completed in High School setting.
GUPP: Courses offered are university courses;
AP: College-level coursework is offered through an organization known as College Board.
College Enrollment
GUPP: Student is classified as a part-time university student;
AP: No college/university affiliation.
Advanced Standing in College
GUPP and AP: There is potential recognition of successful high school coursework/exams, which may be applied to your college plan of study (POS). This may be credited to your POS and could reduce the number of courses needed to complete your degree.
College Admissions
GUPP and AP: Rigorous coursework in high school supports a strong college application.
GUPP: Successful completion of the course and earn final letter grade; student completes their classroom teacher's final examination;
AP: Successful completion of the course does not guarantee credit; student completes a nationally-normed examination at the end of the year.
Course Acceptance
GUPP: Guarantee transfer to over 500+ institutions that accept GUPP credits;
AP: Students' AP test scores may earn them college credits, depending on institutional standards.
Credit Transfer
GUPP: GUPP credits earned through GUPP affiliated colleges transfer to other colleges and universities 87% of the time;
AP: No transfer negotiations.
College Affiliation
GUPP: Research opportunities/Full access and lending privileges;
AP: Not Applicable.
GUPP: Students can receive a free official digital copy of transcripts or pay $8 for a hard copy (via mail);
AP: $15.00 per score report (to receive credit for test provided score meets institutional requirements).